Wednesday, October 1, 2014

"We played Brain Jeopardy and my team got 1,800 points!"- Tristin

"I can solve two-step word problems using the standard algorithm for subtraction and tape diagrams." -Keilani

"I walked around at recess and I pretty much played on everything." -Lillith

"Today at recess we had to use double dutch ropes for jump rope because we couldn't find the white jump rope." -Savahna

"We did 2 hours and 15 minutes of math and at recess, I played tag on the Kelly Toy." -Erin

"We played Brain Jeopardy and there were some harder questions and we got some of the harder questions first and we had a few that we got wrong because the very first one we did Mrs. Byrd only said once and then we forgot." -Liz

"Today I played jump rope with Savahna and we jumped with Mr. Valentine!" -Caelen

"Today I watched Mr. Valentine play soccer and jump rope!" -Caydence

"I played soccer with Mr. Valentine!" -Eli

"At recess, I played soccer with the third graders and Ben from Mrs. Gil's class and Mr. Valentine helped us." -Ethan

"I can explain how the brain sends messages. Through neurons!" -Lila

"Today I played pass with Josh with my tennis ball at recess." -Cameron

Work on HW packet
Read for 30 minutes, fill out log, get parent signature

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