Wednesday, February 25, 2015

"At Library today, we watched book trailers so we could see what they look like. Some of the books that we saw, I didn't think were very good and I wouldn't want to read them." -Haylie

"At the end of the day, we watched Bored Shorts videos and Kid History videos and they were really funny!" -Liz

"I laughed and laughed at every Kid Snippet video. Really!" -Kameren J.

"In math, we were subtracting fractions from mixed numbers." -Lila

"Math was really easy!" -Eli

"At recess, I was doing backwards froggy and I realized that if you cross your legs, it makes you go faster!" -Caydence

"In reading, we read Owls in the Family and it was really fun!" -Cameron R.


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