Thursday, February 26, 2015

"Today I made a book for Liz and Katie and they're going to write their story inside it. And I told them to put my name as their publisher. My publishing company is Haylie.00 Publishing Company." -Haylie

"Because Haylie made me the book, I'm making my book dedicated to her and her being my friend." -Liz

"Today Haylie made me a fortune teller and it was all football based. One of the fortunes said, 'You will turn into Russel Wilson.'" -Savahna

"At recess, I was playing 4 square and I can never get past the first square. Every time I get out by myself, I always just throw it too hard and I just get out. And when I don't get out, it's always Ashton getting me out and a little bit of Caelen!" -Keilani

"At recess, I played 4 square and I fell and got a cut." -Analese

"Today in Social Studies rotations, we were pretending we were the government. I was in the Legislative Branch and we made a law about not having Japanese-American people having to go into interment camps just because they 'look dangerous'." -Lila

"In math, we subtracted mixed numbers from mixed numbers and it was super easy!" -Eli

"During free time in class, I came up with a super power for my book and it was super pig tails and flying power because in my story, Baby turns into a super hero and she always wears pig tails so that's how I got that idea." -Caydence

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

"At Library today, we watched book trailers so we could see what they look like. Some of the books that we saw, I didn't think were very good and I wouldn't want to read them." -Haylie

"At the end of the day, we watched Bored Shorts videos and Kid History videos and they were really funny!" -Liz

"I laughed and laughed at every Kid Snippet video. Really!" -Kameren J.

"In math, we were subtracting fractions from mixed numbers." -Lila

"Math was really easy!" -Eli

"At recess, I was doing backwards froggy and I realized that if you cross your legs, it makes you go faster!" -Caydence

"In reading, we read Owls in the Family and it was really fun!" -Cameron R.


Tuesday, February 24, 2015

"Today for social studies, we each had our own branch of government. Me and Haylie were Judicial so we judge the laws. One of the laws that our legislative and executive branches wrote, we didn't approve so we didn't sign our names because the laws weren't fair." -Liz

"In math, we were adding mixed numbers and it was really easy!" -Lila

"At recess, me, Kayla, and Savannah were playing on the barn. A couple days ago we made up a thing we call 'the rollercoaster.' We sit on one of the little bars and fling ourselves back and forth pretending like we're on a roller coaster. It's fun!" -Lilith

"At breakfast, there were a bunch of these sport guys who came from Whitworth and they played a bunch of sports and it was really fun!" -Savahna

"Liz taught me how to do the whole alphabet in cursive. So far, it's pretty hard!" -Haylie

"In social studies, I was in a group with Kayla, Savahna, and Logan. I was the legislative branch. They took my paper and they were hiding it, so I thought they disapproved. I had to rip it out of their hands because they were being secretive, but then I heard Kayla to sign the paper and I was like, 'Oh!'" -Katie

Monday, February 23, 2015

"In social studies, we learned about the student strike at East Standwood High School in 1944. They left because they thought the principal was unfair because he didn't give enough activities and dances. Also, he lowered students' grades." -Erin

"When the students walked home in the middle of class, the parents weren't mad at them, they were on their side. The principal had only lowered students' grades because some students only turned in some of their work and expected to pass." -Roman

"At recess, we played four square. Mrs. Duffey noticed and us holding the ball and she told us "no holdies" and it made the line go much faster because everyone kept holding the ball so now everyone gets a chance to play." -Savahna

"Today I finished the book that I made and we put it in the library and when I was starting to put it in the library, everyone was trying to get it, but I promised I would give it to Tristin and then Tayah, and now there's a huge line!" -Haylie

"We did a practice test in math. Some of the problems were really hard!" -Eli

Read 30 minutes, write summary, get signature
Typing practice for 5 min, fill out chart, get signature
Work on HW packet

Thursday, February 19, 2015

"Today I worked on a book and it's for Mrs. Byrd and it's going to be how Mrs. Byrd is a queen and her classroom is her village and we might put it in the classroom library!" -Haylie

"In social studies rotations we took a test on the government of Washington state." -Savahna

"In PE we played dodge ball in the dark for our party because we brought in our tennis shoes a certain amount of times." -Erin

"In math we went on and it was really fun." Cameron R.

"In reading, we read the first two chapters of Owls in the Family and it's a really good book so far!" -Lila

"At recess, we played basketball and my neighbor, Kyle, and his friend who are in 5th grade, played with me, Tristin, Erin, and GG and it was really fun!" -Liz

Read 30 minutes, fill out log, get signature
Practice typing for 5 minutes, fill out log, get signature
Work on packet

Thursday, February 12, 2015

"In writing rotations, I finished my 3 paragraph essay on the Oregon Trail and I was in Mrs. Thompson's room." -Erin

"Today I finished my 4 paragraph paper about the risks and dangers of traveling the Oregon Trail. We were supposed to pick 2 or 3 risks that we thought were the most dangerous and the two that I picked were the weather and cholera." -Liz

"At recess, me, Kayla and Savannah were playing on the Kelly Toy and we played Titanic!" -Lilith

"In PE we played a game where the gym was divided up into four sections and that was supposed to represent a heart and we split up into five teams. One team went out to the side and the other 4 teams went into each area. We put bouncy balls into each square and if you had four in a square, your team was out and the other team that was on the side came in." -Eli

"In PE, I had Liz, Josh, Kameren J., and Analese and we never got out once during the entire game." -Eden

"At recess, I got in in four square and then Ashton got me out right away." -Savahna

"In social studies, we pretended we were teachers and made questions that other people had to answer after we read 4 paragraphs about the government." -Lila

Read 30 minutes, fill out log, get signature
Typing practice for 5 minutes, fill out log, get signature
HW packet due tomorrow!
Remember your valentines and something to take them home in!

Monday, February 9, 2015

"We had writing rotations. I went to Mrs. Thompson's and we went on a website called Trackstar and read 2 articles and watched a video about the Oregon Trail. Then, we had to take notes about the risks that we thought would be the most dangerous and why." -Erin

"We had Social Studies rotations. We went to Mrs. Gil's and we learned about the Constitution." -Savahna

"At recess, it was me and Tristin versus G.G., Erin, Charlotte, Evan, and Quinton and we won!" -Liz

"Today we had Kinderbuddies and we got to play at recess with them. We had fun playing. When it was time to line up, I was sad to see my kinderbuddy go because I haven't seen her for a long time." -Keilani

"In writing rotations, I was in Mrs. Byrd's class and we also did Trackstar and watched a video and we had to take notes on the risks." -Caelen

Read 30 minutes, fill out log, get signature
Type for 5 minutes, fill out blog, get signature
Work on HW packet

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

"For social studies, Mrs. Byrd got poster boards for the groups and my group finished reading our story about the two Sarah's." -Erin

"At recess, Tayah, Liz, and me finished another box for Mrs. Maly and today, Liz and Tayah went even crazier with the sparkles. Liz and Tayah named the sparkles Jerry, Phil, and Dave." -Haylie

"Today is Chuck E. Cheese night for Brentwood. I like going to Chuck E. Cheese, but the mascot is creepy!" -Ethan

"Today we had ELA rotations and we read about Harriet Tubman and I got there half-way through because I had to leave for an appointment." -Savahna

"For math rotations, me, Ben, Elise, and Josh couldn't stop laughing!" -Liz

"At second recess, I stayed in and I cleaned my desk and it was a million percent better than I had it!" -Lilith

"At recess, I played four square and I got out a lot and then at second recess I stayed in and I wrote a story about a girl named Martha Bunt." -Analese

Read 30 minutes, fill out log, get signature
Work on HW packet
WOD: solitary - all alone 

Monday, February 2, 2015

"Today, we worked on our oral reports for social studies. We each got somebody to read about in our group. Tomorrow, we're going to work on our poster board." -Caydence

"The person I was reading about was Elias Pierce. I had Tristin, Ethan, and Roman in my group." -Cameron R.

"We had to have indoor recess because it was raining really hard outside, but since we had computers in our room, we got to play games on them for recess." -Savahna

"Mrs. Byrd got the COW cart and we did our SRI tests for February." -Erin

"At recess, me, Tayah, and Liz worked on a box for student council and we finished it. Liz and Tayah also were being a little crazy with the sparkles, so now their nickname is 'Sparkles.'" -Haylie

"In science, we looked at 4 different minerals and decided what was different about them." -Lila

"One of the minerals I think is a crystal quartz because I have a quartz yard in front of my house and it looks exactly like it." -Liz

"When we had indoor recess on the computers, I played Animal Jam with Tristin and Liz and Caydence." -Analese

Read 30 minutes, fill out log, get signature
Work on HW packet
WOD: investigate - to find out about something